Monday, November 23, 2009

Blogging with adsense

Today i was checking out a few fellow bloggers blogs. And one mans statement really stuck in my mind. I just had to share it with you. It goes totaly against the general idea of how to make money blogging.

In one paragraph of his blog he talked about how UGLY his blog looked. He said that his wife is always after him to make LOOK nicer.

His answer to her was WHY

He said I don't care how my blog looks. I am not blogging to find a following of readers. I am blogging to make money. If having an ugly blog will make more people click on my adsense adds to just get away from my blog, Then we both win. They get away from my blog, and i get paid for them clicking on an adsence add.

Now i am not suggesting that this attitude, or way of going about blogging is right. But you have to hand it to the guy for being straight up, and honest about why he is blogging.

After floating around online looking for some good money making opportunities for myself, i have found so many scams out there. And people who are not totaly honest and up front about thier products or goals. That to find a man that will just bluntly tell anyone reading his blog, that he doesn't care if they read it or not. All as he cares about is that they click on an add so he can make money, is kind of refreshing.

Honesty and integrity are sorely lacking nowadays, and i wish that everyone would be upfront about everything, But it has always been that there are disonest people out there, so we must do the best we can to protect ourselves from them. I must be honest, i would not mind making some (ok alot) of money off this blog. But i know that with my limited experience at blogging, that it will probably not happen.

So i am trying to focus on helping others by sharing some of my learning experiences, and hopefuly some of the people who read my blog can make it.

Oh and just so you know.  The man i was talking about above..... is averaging 5900 hits a day on his blog.