The System
Now that you have the proper tools to get started, you need to set up a system. The key to success on the Internet is to have a system in place. Once you build a system you can then start to build your list and your business.
A system is quite simply a step-by-step process that your prospects will go through. Some people call it a sales funnel. The purpose of the system is to turn prospects into leads into customers. It's really that simple.
Lead Capture - What that means is you have to have a web page on which your prospects can enter their name and email address to enter your system.
There are all types of lead capture pages, sometimes called a squeeze page or an opt-in page. However there are 3 elements that make an effective lead capture page.
1. Headline – You must have a compelling headline that will capture the interest of your prospects and entice them to keep reading.
2. Offer – This is where your free product comes into play. The product can be an ebook, software, audios, videos or even an email e-course. It just has to be something of value to entice the prospect to give you their information.
3. Opt-in Form – This is the code that you get from your autoresponder service that allows the prospect to enter their name and email address and submit it in order to get your offer.
That's all there is too it. Now you may have been around on the Internet and seen many different types of lead capture pages. The type of lead capture page you use is dependent in most part on the way it is used. There are long page lead capture pages where you read through a lot of paragraphs of sales material before the opt-in form. There are short lead capture pages that are also called splash pages, that will fit in one frame in your browser. These are short and to the point and have very few words, just a few bullet points and an opt-in form. There are also pop-up opt-in forms or just an opt-in form used on a website that says, For Updates, Fill In Your Information Here.
Here's a very effective squeeze page that I'm using in Traffic Exchanges: Click Here
It is important to create nice looking, effective squeeze pages. If you don't have the programming skills to create a nice page, it can seem daunting. However, with Adkreator you can create sleek looking squeeze pages with point-n-click simplicity. They even give you the product to give away! The best part is you can get a membership for free!
Utilize The Opt-In Process - After you have captured the lead, then what? A mistake that many marketers make is that they don't utilize the opt-in process to add value to their offer. What they do is they tend to use the Thank You page that is provided by their autoresponder company that basically says, Thank You For Your Subscription. That is a waste of real estate that could be used to offer another product or free-to-join membership site that can sometimes lead to sales.
In a double opt-in situation you have two opportunities to make this second offer. Double opt-in means that after the lead presses the Submit button they are sent an email requesting that they confirm that they wanted to receive your information. This email has a link that they must click before they will be added to your subscriber list and start receiving your emails. This process is in place to avoid frivolous SPAM complaints. Anything other than double opt-in is now frowned upon in the industry.
Here is the best way to utilize double opt-in. When the lead enters their information and clicks the submit button they are taken to a Thank You page. On this page you should have a brief explanation that they will receive an email that they must confirm before they will be added to your list and receive their gifts. It is helpful to tell them what the subject of the email is and that they should be looking for it in their inbox. If you stop there, however, you're wasting space.
The Thank You page is a great place to put an offer for another free product, or a free to join membership site. It is best to offer a product that is complementary to the one they just requested.
There are two reasons for making this second offer.
1. You are adding more value to the relationship that you are building with this subscriber and they will be more likely to confirm their opt-in.
2. Often times these free gifts have a backend offer that can lead to commissions for you.
This Thank You page can be simple like this one, or complicated like this one.
Continuing the process... After your subscriber receives the confirmation email, hopefully he or she clicks the link to confirm their request for your information or gifts. Unfortunately another mistake made by many marketers is to have the confirmation link go directly to the .pdf or .zip file that you were offering. Instead of going directly to the product, you should take the opportunity to send them to a download page.
The download page is another opportunity for you to give them another shot at the same products on the Thank You page, or offer different products. You can even make a one-time offer of a product that will compliment the product that they received from you as a gift.
Make sure you clearly indicate how they are to download their product. You will usually see words that say something like, “To Download Your Product, Right-Click Here and Select Save As” which will also be a link. The better option and more SEO approach is to have a link with words like, “Click Here To Download 3 Steps To Newbie Success!” Also make sure that you have instructions or links to tools they'll need to use your product, such as a link to Adobe Reader or a Zip utility.
Now that your new subscriber has downloaded your product, that shouldn't be the end of your system. There are two other important parts of the system that now come into play.
Utilize The Product – There are two ways to use the product to add value, build a relationship and possibly generate back end sales.
#1 - The product itself...
Hopefully you didn't just give away a product with no links back to you or offers for upgrades. In ebooks whether they are PLR or Branded, make sure you include links to tools that will help your new subscriber benefit the most from the information you are sharing. Software generally has a free version and a paid upgrade version with additional functionality. Some software products allow you to link back to the site of the person presenting the software, or an affiliate link for the software provider site itself.
Make sure that you don't miss this opportunity to add more value to your relationship and possibly make some sales.
Have you noticed throughout this series the links to great resources? That is exactly what I'm talking about. They are not overt advertisements for products, but rather suggestions for tools that will help you, with an affiliate link to that tool.
#2 – The download package...
Many marketers just provide a .zip file or a .pdf file which includes only the gift that was offered. A better way would be to include a .zip file which includes not only the gift offered, but also a bunch of bonus offers as well. These bonus offers can be in an additional .pdf file called READ ME FIRST.pdf or even Internet shortcuts. I generally include a folder in the .zip file called Unannounced Bonuses which has about 10 Internet Shortcuts to free or low cost tools and services.
When you downloaded this ebook, you actually downloaded a .zip file. Check out the folder that says, Unannounced Bonuses. You can drag a website to your desktop and create an Internet shortcut. Then just paste these shortcuts into a folder and zip it up with your give away product. When you have shortcuts in the folder, right click on each one and click properties. Then change the URL to your affiliate link or a tracker link so you know where the visitor came from. You'll be amazed at how many clicks you get from this announced bonuses folder.
Again it is all about relationship building and adding value to that relationship. People will not spend money with you if you just say “Here, buy my product.” But if you give them a good experience during their initial contact with you through the opt-in process, and add lots of value, they will be more likely to make a purchase from you because they know that you add more value to your offers.
The Follow Up – This is the part of your system that will generate the sales for you if done properly.
Your follow up is done through your autoresponder. A great way to do the follow up is automatically by creating a series of 5 or more emails that will go out every 2 or 3 days to your new subscribers. This follow up is an important part of the system that you are creating.
Your first email should be a brief email with the link to your download page in case they missed the page for some unknown reason or didn't download your gift at that time. You should also include some sort of a link, whether to another bonus or to a low priced high value offer. You can also include a link to your latest blog post or an article that goes into detail about your topic. This will get your subscribers into the habit of clicking in your emails.
The second email should be an introduction of who you are and what you are going to provide to them through your email series. Let them know that you will be sending them more emails with information, tips, ideas, tools, and offers to help them achieve what they are looking for in their business. Again don't forget a link. I usually include a P.S. in this email with a link to a great tool that is free to join, but has a great upgrade offer available.
The next few emails should discuss the topic of your gift, newsletter or ezine and offer free products or memberships that have great value but also have paid upgrade offers. Not everyone that joins a free membership site will take the upgrade, but really good offers usually get between 5 and 10% upgrades, which can help you earn commissions.
After you have warmed up your subscribers and they expect offers in your emails, you should start offering higher ticket items, such as $7 to $49 products. Again make sure that there are good upgrade offers to these products.
After you have sent about 7 or 8 emails, you can start offering higher-end products and services with price tags of $97 to $197. Always include higher value than the price tag being offered. You can do this with incentives or bonuses for making a purchase through your affiliate link.
This email series should run every 2 to 3 days for the first 2 or 3, then every 5 days for the next 5 or so, and then once a week or every 10 days for the remainder of your email series.
Using this type of warm up email series many marketers have been able to monetize the opt-in process, allowing them to pay for promotions of their syste Many experts say that you can expect to earn about $1 per opt-in subscriber every month. However, don't get discouraged if that doesn't happen right away. You need to warm up your list first before you can expect to start seeing numbers like that. When you can earn money for every subscriber you bring into your funnel, that's when you know you are on your way to success in your Internet business.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Tools Needed to Succeed at Internet Marketing
Without the proper tools you will not succeed in your Internet business ventures. That's a guarantee!
A carpenter can't build a house without a hammer and nails. It's just that simple.
If you don't acquire the proper tools for your Internet marketing business, you're not going to succeed. Period.
So, what tools do you need?
Tool #1 – A Website...
You may have heard it before, but until you get your own web site, you will not have very much success with your marketing efforts.
The number one reason you need to get your own web site is so you can brand yourself. Branding allows you to become known around the Internet. It gives you a unique personality on the Internet and sets you apart from the millions of others out there.
Another big reason you want a web site of your own is so you can control the content. When you start to run your blog you want to be able to advertise products on it. Many of the free blog solutions do not allow you to do any sort of advertising. There have been many marketers who have lost their blogs on a free blog site due to violation of the advertising policies. If you own your web site, within the terms of the hosting company, you can control the content on that site.
I host all of my web sites with .
Tool #2 – An Autoresponder...
“The money is in the list.” You've probably heard it a million times. If you don't have an autoresponder, you will not be able to build and maintain a list of any significant size.
An autoresponder is basically a service that will allow you to email your leads on a scheduled or on-demand basis. A good autoresponder service will allow you to create a series of emails to start sending your subscribers immediately. This is useful to create an e-course or to set up a series of emails that will allow you to automatically sell your own or affiliate products over time. You should also be able to send out a broadcast email on-demand to your list using your autoresponder service. This will allow you to promote the latest affiliate promotions to your list as they come out.
The number one reason to use an autoresponder is that it allows you to build a relationship with your subscribers.
Developing a relationship is very important in your Internet Marketing efforts. How many times have you received a promotion for some new product, and waited to see if you receive the same promotion from a specific marketer you like? I've done that a number of times, if for nothing more than to be loyal to a friend. I've even passed over some incredible bonuses to purchase through the link of a friend!
So, you need an autoresponder in order to build a relationship with your list. The better the relationship the more sales you'll make.
The best autoresponder i have found AND the one i use for all my IM is trafficwave
Now, before you get upset about the idea of selling to your friends, think of it this way. If you purchase something from, you'll receive several offers a week from them. Buy something from your favorite online clothes store, you'll start getting more offers to your inbox. The point is, when people buy something from you, the expect to be sold something else. If you don't try to sell them anything else, they will leave your list and you're business will go broke.
Bottom line, you need to build a relationship with your list, and you make offers to them to make an income.
Tool #3 – A Product...
Now, when I first heard that I had to have a product of my own, my first thought was, “There is no way I can create a product.” If you're just starting out, I'm sure you probably feel the same way.
However, last year I discovered a secret, you don't have to create a product from scratch!
There are two types of products that you can use so you don't have to create your own product.
The first is PLR products. Private Label Rights or PLR is a product that basically someone else creates from scratch, and sells you the rights to modify it and call it your own. Up until this product you're reading right now, all of my products have been modified PLR. (Shh, don't tell anyone, I've done very well building my list with those products that I didn't write myself!) ;-)
PLR gives you the opportunity to create a unique product without having to come up with it yourself. However, if used incorrectly you can get yourself into a lot of trouble. To learn more about how to correctly use PLR check out PLR Secrets Exposed. This course will teach you all you need to know about how to use PLR effectively. You can get a Free Membership to PLR Secrets Exposed Here.
The other type of product is a product that you can rebrand. Rebrandable products are created by someone else but they allow you to change the links to their recommended resources to your own affiliate links. Usually when you purchase the rebranding rights you are given a rebranding package which usually includes a rebranding software that allows you to put your affiliate ids into the product. A new type of rebranding is online rebranding where you don't actually receive a rebranding software, but you put your links into a page online then are allowed to download the product already rebranded.
Recently two services have opened up that allow you to rebrand high quality products online. These services give you the ability to brand products online, then you can download the branded version to give away.
Viral Ebook Explosion allows you to rebrand ebooks that have been created by well known names in Internet Marketing like Liz Tomey, Mike Filsaime, and more. Your Free Membership to Viral Ebook Explosion allows you to rebrand these high quality ebooks online. It is excellent point-n-click rebranding.
Get your Free Membership to Viral Ebook Explosion Here.
Another great service is Butterfly Reports. This service gives you access to hundreds of rebrandable reports in many different niches, not just Internet Marketing. Again you can rebrand these reports online then give them away to build viral traffic.
Get your Free Membership to Butterfly Reports Here.
Both types of products, PLR and Branded, give you a product that you can give away without you having to go through the process of creating a product from scratch.
I said “give away” up above and that is the reason you want a product. If you can give away a product of value to someone in exchange for their name and email address, that is how you build your list. Once you build your list, you can then market to that list any time you want. That is what puts you on the road to success.
To recap, you need 3 tools in order to start your Internet business down the path to success. 1 – A web site so you can control the content. 2 – An autoresponder so you can follow up with your prospects. 3 – A product that you can give away to entice people to join your list.
A carpenter can't build a house without a hammer and nails. It's just that simple.
If you don't acquire the proper tools for your Internet marketing business, you're not going to succeed. Period.
So, what tools do you need?
Tool #1 – A Website...
You may have heard it before, but until you get your own web site, you will not have very much success with your marketing efforts.
The number one reason you need to get your own web site is so you can brand yourself. Branding allows you to become known around the Internet. It gives you a unique personality on the Internet and sets you apart from the millions of others out there.
Another big reason you want a web site of your own is so you can control the content. When you start to run your blog you want to be able to advertise products on it. Many of the free blog solutions do not allow you to do any sort of advertising. There have been many marketers who have lost their blogs on a free blog site due to violation of the advertising policies. If you own your web site, within the terms of the hosting company, you can control the content on that site.
I host all of my web sites with .
Tool #2 – An Autoresponder...
“The money is in the list.” You've probably heard it a million times. If you don't have an autoresponder, you will not be able to build and maintain a list of any significant size.
An autoresponder is basically a service that will allow you to email your leads on a scheduled or on-demand basis. A good autoresponder service will allow you to create a series of emails to start sending your subscribers immediately. This is useful to create an e-course or to set up a series of emails that will allow you to automatically sell your own or affiliate products over time. You should also be able to send out a broadcast email on-demand to your list using your autoresponder service. This will allow you to promote the latest affiliate promotions to your list as they come out.
The number one reason to use an autoresponder is that it allows you to build a relationship with your subscribers.
Developing a relationship is very important in your Internet Marketing efforts. How many times have you received a promotion for some new product, and waited to see if you receive the same promotion from a specific marketer you like? I've done that a number of times, if for nothing more than to be loyal to a friend. I've even passed over some incredible bonuses to purchase through the link of a friend!
So, you need an autoresponder in order to build a relationship with your list. The better the relationship the more sales you'll make.
The best autoresponder i have found AND the one i use for all my IM is trafficwave
Now, before you get upset about the idea of selling to your friends, think of it this way. If you purchase something from, you'll receive several offers a week from them. Buy something from your favorite online clothes store, you'll start getting more offers to your inbox. The point is, when people buy something from you, the expect to be sold something else. If you don't try to sell them anything else, they will leave your list and you're business will go broke.
Bottom line, you need to build a relationship with your list, and you make offers to them to make an income.
Tool #3 – A Product...
Now, when I first heard that I had to have a product of my own, my first thought was, “There is no way I can create a product.” If you're just starting out, I'm sure you probably feel the same way.
However, last year I discovered a secret, you don't have to create a product from scratch!
There are two types of products that you can use so you don't have to create your own product.
The first is PLR products. Private Label Rights or PLR is a product that basically someone else creates from scratch, and sells you the rights to modify it and call it your own. Up until this product you're reading right now, all of my products have been modified PLR. (Shh, don't tell anyone, I've done very well building my list with those products that I didn't write myself!) ;-)
PLR gives you the opportunity to create a unique product without having to come up with it yourself. However, if used incorrectly you can get yourself into a lot of trouble. To learn more about how to correctly use PLR check out PLR Secrets Exposed. This course will teach you all you need to know about how to use PLR effectively. You can get a Free Membership to PLR Secrets Exposed Here.
The other type of product is a product that you can rebrand. Rebrandable products are created by someone else but they allow you to change the links to their recommended resources to your own affiliate links. Usually when you purchase the rebranding rights you are given a rebranding package which usually includes a rebranding software that allows you to put your affiliate ids into the product. A new type of rebranding is online rebranding where you don't actually receive a rebranding software, but you put your links into a page online then are allowed to download the product already rebranded.
Recently two services have opened up that allow you to rebrand high quality products online. These services give you the ability to brand products online, then you can download the branded version to give away.
Viral Ebook Explosion allows you to rebrand ebooks that have been created by well known names in Internet Marketing like Liz Tomey, Mike Filsaime, and more. Your Free Membership to Viral Ebook Explosion allows you to rebrand these high quality ebooks online. It is excellent point-n-click rebranding.
Get your Free Membership to Viral Ebook Explosion Here.
Another great service is Butterfly Reports. This service gives you access to hundreds of rebrandable reports in many different niches, not just Internet Marketing. Again you can rebrand these reports online then give them away to build viral traffic.
Get your Free Membership to Butterfly Reports Here.
Both types of products, PLR and Branded, give you a product that you can give away without you having to go through the process of creating a product from scratch.
I said “give away” up above and that is the reason you want a product. If you can give away a product of value to someone in exchange for their name and email address, that is how you build your list. Once you build your list, you can then market to that list any time you want. That is what puts you on the road to success.
To recap, you need 3 tools in order to start your Internet business down the path to success. 1 – A web site so you can control the content. 2 – An autoresponder so you can follow up with your prospects. 3 – A product that you can give away to entice people to join your list.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Free Listbuilding Software
I'm evaluating a
viral listbuilding
software tool from the folks at It's
the fastest, simplest and easiest way to build your list that I've seen
in a long while.
Here's all you
- Create a short ad that promotes
your newsletter or ezine - Add some
code to the pages of your website - ... sit back and watch your list
ListHero helps you generate 1,000's of highly targeted
subscribers for free and pays you generous affiliate commissions as
your list grows.
I'll let you know what I think of it once I've had a
chance to check it out. Meanwhile go grab access to this free viral listbuilding software
while it's still free.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Affiliate Marketing in a Nutshell
Affiliate Marketing in a Nutshell
What exactly is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is the single fastest growth industry on the Internet. It’s also true that affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and most creative ways to make money and have a career on the Internet.
Simply put, affiliate marketing is selling products on a commission basis. You own a business that advertises and sells products for other companies. You may have a product of your own to begin with or not. The things that a successful affiliate marketer must have are:
1. Your website is the jumping off point of all your marketing efforts. So the first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website. You must build a user-friendly website, which will attract your prospects and motivate them to click on the links to the products and services you are promoting and make a purchase. There are companies whose business is building websites that you can hire to build one for you.
2. You must find products to sell, you must be able to determine whether there is a demand for those products and if people will actually buy them. You may either have your own original product or products that are made by others. Which ever way you go, you must believe in the products.
3. It will be necessary for you to become an adept advertiser and be able to tell whether the advertising you are paying for is producing more income for you than the advertising is costing you.
4. It is necessary that you have good mathematical skills. You will need to be able to track your sales and determine profit, as well as, see to it that your suppliers are paid in full and on time.
5. You need the full and unwavering support of your family so that you can devote the time and energy necessary to launch your affiliate marketing business.
Here are a few GOOD sites to check out:
Instant plug n pay
Instant Splash Page Maker
What exactly is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is the single fastest growth industry on the Internet. It’s also true that affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and most creative ways to make money and have a career on the Internet.
Simply put, affiliate marketing is selling products on a commission basis. You own a business that advertises and sells products for other companies. You may have a product of your own to begin with or not. The things that a successful affiliate marketer must have are:
1. Your website is the jumping off point of all your marketing efforts. So the first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website. You must build a user-friendly website, which will attract your prospects and motivate them to click on the links to the products and services you are promoting and make a purchase. There are companies whose business is building websites that you can hire to build one for you.
2. You must find products to sell, you must be able to determine whether there is a demand for those products and if people will actually buy them. You may either have your own original product or products that are made by others. Which ever way you go, you must believe in the products.
3. It will be necessary for you to become an adept advertiser and be able to tell whether the advertising you are paying for is producing more income for you than the advertising is costing you.
4. It is necessary that you have good mathematical skills. You will need to be able to track your sales and determine profit, as well as, see to it that your suppliers are paid in full and on time.
5. You need the full and unwavering support of your family so that you can devote the time and energy necessary to launch your affiliate marketing business.
Here are a few GOOD sites to check out:
Instant plug n pay
Instant Splash Page Maker
Friday, May 7, 2010
Making Money Online with Google Adwords
We have learned about affiliate programs
and about ClickBank.
With ClickBank, you have access to thousands of affiliate
products to market. Now it's time to find a place to market those
products and start making some profits.
This is were Google and Google AdWords come into play.
What are Google AdWords?
Google AdWords are little advertisements displayed on Google. These
advertisements appear on the right hand side of the browser every
time a search is done on the Google search engine.
Anybody including you and I can purchase advertisements on Google.
How do Google AdWords Work?
Google AdWords uses the pay-per-click method.
Pay-per-click just means that the advertisers pay a predetermined
amount of money every time someone clicks on their advertisement.
For Google, advertisers bid to have their ads shown when a specific
search term is entered.
The higher the bid the higher on the page the ad will show. Being
at the top of the page will get you more clicks than ads lower on
the page.
Advertisers bid anywhere from $0.05 to $50 per click. That click
sends the Internet surfers to a website address of the advertisers
The thing that makes this advertising method superior over other
methods is that your ad will only be shown to people that are
interested. It is a very targeted method that leads to more sales.
Let's say that you are selling flowers. You would bid on the search
term "flowers". When somebody does a search on Google for the term
"flowers", your ad will appear.
On the other hand, when someone does a search for the term "dogs",
your ad will not appear because you did not bid on that search
You get to decide which search terms are relevant to your campaign
and bid on that search term.
What is so special about Google AdWords?
Simply put Google AdWords are better than any other advertising
method on the Internet. The second you put up a Google AdWords ad
your will start to see results.
Here are some of the reasons that make Google AdWords superior:
- Google boasts over 200 million searches per day
- It only takes fifteen minutes for your ads to appear
- You only need a minimum of $5 to open an account
- The traffic you get from Google is of very high quality
- AdWords is simple to use and beginners can catch on fast
- AdWords is perfect for testing potential ad campaigns
Granted, there are tons of places to market your affiliate programs
on the Internet. But in my experience, Google AdWords has brought
me more sales than all of the others combined.
Get thousands of visitors per day
Learn More about me the Author
and about ClickBank.
With ClickBank, you have access to thousands of affiliate
products to market. Now it's time to find a place to market those
products and start making some profits.
This is were Google and Google AdWords come into play.
What are Google AdWords?
Google AdWords are little advertisements displayed on Google. These
advertisements appear on the right hand side of the browser every
time a search is done on the Google search engine.
Anybody including you and I can purchase advertisements on Google.
How do Google AdWords Work?
Google AdWords uses the pay-per-click method.
Pay-per-click just means that the advertisers pay a predetermined
amount of money every time someone clicks on their advertisement.
For Google, advertisers bid to have their ads shown when a specific
search term is entered.
The higher the bid the higher on the page the ad will show. Being
at the top of the page will get you more clicks than ads lower on
the page.
Advertisers bid anywhere from $0.05 to $50 per click. That click
sends the Internet surfers to a website address of the advertisers
The thing that makes this advertising method superior over other
methods is that your ad will only be shown to people that are
interested. It is a very targeted method that leads to more sales.
Let's say that you are selling flowers. You would bid on the search
term "flowers". When somebody does a search on Google for the term
"flowers", your ad will appear.
On the other hand, when someone does a search for the term "dogs",
your ad will not appear because you did not bid on that search
You get to decide which search terms are relevant to your campaign
and bid on that search term.
What is so special about Google AdWords?
Simply put Google AdWords are better than any other advertising
method on the Internet. The second you put up a Google AdWords ad
your will start to see results.
Here are some of the reasons that make Google AdWords superior:
- Google boasts over 200 million searches per day
- It only takes fifteen minutes for your ads to appear
- You only need a minimum of $5 to open an account
- The traffic you get from Google is of very high quality
- AdWords is simple to use and beginners can catch on fast
- AdWords is perfect for testing potential ad campaigns
Granted, there are tons of places to market your affiliate programs
on the Internet. But in my experience, Google AdWords has brought
me more sales than all of the others combined.
Get thousands of visitors per day
Learn More about me the Author
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Six Keys To Picking Profitable Affiliate Products
The Six Most Important keys to Picking a Profitable Affiliate Program.
The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage--at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity.
Most of this information comes straight from the affiliate pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.
Ok, we learned all about affiliate programs in the first post of this series.
We now need a way to find the best affiliate products to market.
There are thousands of affiliate programs out there to choose from.
Any product you can think of has an affiliate program.
There are affiliate programs for things like books, cars, computer
games, computer programs, porn sites, prescription drugs and
ebooks. You name it and there is an affiliate program for it.
You can even join an affiliate program for selling property on the
moon!! So how do you go about choosing the right programs? Well,
there are many factors to looks at.
Here are six characteristics to look at when choosing an affiliate
1) High payouts - Would you rather be paid $1 or $20 every time
you make a sale? $20 of course!! I like to work with affiliate
programs that payout anywhere from $15 - $60 for each customer
conversion. Don't get me wrong, there is a time and place for $1
payout programs and as entrepreneurs you should always keep your
eyes open for opportunities, but from personal experience, the
higher payouts seem to work best for people just starting out.
2) Effective product sales page - Your success as an affiliate
depends highly on how effective the sales website is for the
affiliate program you belong to. I'm not talking about your
personal website; I'm talking about the owners of the affiliate
program themselves, the site you are sending people to. If you are
sending people to a website that is constructed very poorly and has
a low sales conversion rate, you are not going to make any profits.
But if you send people from your website to a website that captures
the customers attention and effectively conveniences them to buy
the product, you will make much more profits per customer.
3) The amount of competition - If there is too much competition in
the affiliate program that you join, it will be harder for you to
make money. When there are too many affiliates vying for the same
customers, the profits that can be made by one individual become
less and less. I would say that it's a good idea for beginners to
stir away from the really competitive products. You will have a
much better time with programs that have relatively low
competition. Don't get me wrong, you can compete in any affiliate
program but you need to learn certain skills, to turn a profit.
4) Payout Dates - Be sure to check how often the affiliate program
will be sending you pay checks. You don't want to be stuck waiting
3-6 months to be paid. I usually like to stick with affiliate
programs that pay every 1-2 weeks. Sometimes I will join affiliate
programs that pay every month, but anything over one month is just
too long to wait for. You have to think about your advertising
budget. If you only have enough money to advertise for two weeks,
and you get paid every three months, you are going to run out of
money to advertise with. The quicker you get paid, the quicker you
can take that money and reinvest it to increase your profits.
5) Payout Minimums - Almost every affiliate program has a minimum
payout amount. Most of the time affiliates programs will require
that you earn $25 - $100 before they will ever send you a check.
This is fine, because you should be able to hit this amount easily.
If it's more than $300 then I would stir away from that program.
Sometimes you will join an affiliate program and make some money,
but you may decide for some reason that that particular program is
not working out. If you did not hit the minimum payout then you
will never be paid. Another reason to pick a low minimum payout is
that it may take you awhile to hit the minimum, so the lower the
payout level the quicker you will get your money.
6) In Demand Products - This is a very important thing to look for
in affiliate programs. Choose something that people really want and
find a way to give it to them. For example: millions of people in
the U.S. feel they are overweight, and want to be lighter.
It's your job to find an affiliate program that fits these peoples
needs. Sell them diet pills or workout tapes, even workout
equipment. Here's another example: Many people want to find someone
to date. Well you've seen all the online dating services. Guess
what, most of those have affiliate programs that you can join.
Direct a person who wants a date to that dating service website and
you will make a nice commission.
You now know what to look for in an affiliate product, so now we
need to go find an affiliate product to market.
This is were ClickBank comes into play.
ClickBank is actually an Internet "affiliate network". Affiliate
networks combine thousands of Internet affiliate programs into one
simple website.
So instead of signing up for numerous affiliate programs, which can
be a hassle, you only need to sign up once with a site like
ClickBank. This will allow you to have access to over 11,000+
products and services to market.
ClickBank is actually a special type of affiliate network in that
it only deals with digital products. When a customer buys through
ClickBank, they receive their purchase instantly over the Internet.
So what makes ClickBank so special? Several reasons:
- ClickBank is very easy for beginners to learn
- ClickBank offers many high quality affiliate products to market
- ClickBank offers extremely high commissions (up to 75%)
- Many people are already members of ClickBank
- Getting affiliate links is very simple and fast
- Stats are in real time and can be checked 24/7
- ClickBank sends commission checks every two weeks
With ClickBank, you can now scour thousands of affiliate products
to market.
Now you can be a confident expert on affiliate. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on affiliate.
Click The Link Below to receive FREE Money Making Tips And Aids
Easy Clinkcash
The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage--at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity.
Most of this information comes straight from the affiliate pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.
Ok, we learned all about affiliate programs in the first post of this series.
We now need a way to find the best affiliate products to market.
There are thousands of affiliate programs out there to choose from.
Any product you can think of has an affiliate program.
There are affiliate programs for things like books, cars, computer
games, computer programs, porn sites, prescription drugs and
ebooks. You name it and there is an affiliate program for it.
You can even join an affiliate program for selling property on the
moon!! So how do you go about choosing the right programs? Well,
there are many factors to looks at.
Here are six characteristics to look at when choosing an affiliate
1) High payouts - Would you rather be paid $1 or $20 every time
you make a sale? $20 of course!! I like to work with affiliate
programs that payout anywhere from $15 - $60 for each customer
conversion. Don't get me wrong, there is a time and place for $1
payout programs and as entrepreneurs you should always keep your
eyes open for opportunities, but from personal experience, the
higher payouts seem to work best for people just starting out.
2) Effective product sales page - Your success as an affiliate
depends highly on how effective the sales website is for the
affiliate program you belong to. I'm not talking about your
personal website; I'm talking about the owners of the affiliate
program themselves, the site you are sending people to. If you are
sending people to a website that is constructed very poorly and has
a low sales conversion rate, you are not going to make any profits.
But if you send people from your website to a website that captures
the customers attention and effectively conveniences them to buy
the product, you will make much more profits per customer.
3) The amount of competition - If there is too much competition in
the affiliate program that you join, it will be harder for you to
make money. When there are too many affiliates vying for the same
customers, the profits that can be made by one individual become
less and less. I would say that it's a good idea for beginners to
stir away from the really competitive products. You will have a
much better time with programs that have relatively low
competition. Don't get me wrong, you can compete in any affiliate
program but you need to learn certain skills, to turn a profit.
4) Payout Dates - Be sure to check how often the affiliate program
will be sending you pay checks. You don't want to be stuck waiting
3-6 months to be paid. I usually like to stick with affiliate
programs that pay every 1-2 weeks. Sometimes I will join affiliate
programs that pay every month, but anything over one month is just
too long to wait for. You have to think about your advertising
budget. If you only have enough money to advertise for two weeks,
and you get paid every three months, you are going to run out of
money to advertise with. The quicker you get paid, the quicker you
can take that money and reinvest it to increase your profits.
5) Payout Minimums - Almost every affiliate program has a minimum
payout amount. Most of the time affiliates programs will require
that you earn $25 - $100 before they will ever send you a check.
This is fine, because you should be able to hit this amount easily.
If it's more than $300 then I would stir away from that program.
Sometimes you will join an affiliate program and make some money,
but you may decide for some reason that that particular program is
not working out. If you did not hit the minimum payout then you
will never be paid. Another reason to pick a low minimum payout is
that it may take you awhile to hit the minimum, so the lower the
payout level the quicker you will get your money.
6) In Demand Products - This is a very important thing to look for
in affiliate programs. Choose something that people really want and
find a way to give it to them. For example: millions of people in
the U.S. feel they are overweight, and want to be lighter.
It's your job to find an affiliate program that fits these peoples
needs. Sell them diet pills or workout tapes, even workout
equipment. Here's another example: Many people want to find someone
to date. Well you've seen all the online dating services. Guess
what, most of those have affiliate programs that you can join.
Direct a person who wants a date to that dating service website and
you will make a nice commission.
You now know what to look for in an affiliate product, so now we
need to go find an affiliate product to market.
This is were ClickBank comes into play.
ClickBank is actually an Internet "affiliate network". Affiliate
networks combine thousands of Internet affiliate programs into one
simple website.
So instead of signing up for numerous affiliate programs, which can
be a hassle, you only need to sign up once with a site like
ClickBank. This will allow you to have access to over 11,000+
products and services to market.
ClickBank is actually a special type of affiliate network in that
it only deals with digital products. When a customer buys through
ClickBank, they receive their purchase instantly over the Internet.
So what makes ClickBank so special? Several reasons:
- ClickBank is very easy for beginners to learn
- ClickBank offers many high quality affiliate products to market
- ClickBank offers extremely high commissions (up to 75%)
- Many people are already members of ClickBank
- Getting affiliate links is very simple and fast
- Stats are in real time and can be checked 24/7
- ClickBank sends commission checks every two weeks
With ClickBank, you can now scour thousands of affiliate products
to market.
Now you can be a confident expert on affiliate. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on affiliate.
Click The Link Below to receive FREE Money Making Tips And Aids
Easy Clinkcash
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Make Money Online as an Affiliate, using an Affiliate Program
Would you like to find out what those-in-the-know have to say about making money?
The information in the article below comes straight from well-informed experts with special knowledge about How to make money.
Most of this information comes straight from the Money Making Pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.
So how exactly do you make substantial profits on the Internet?
Well there are literally thousands of ways to earn a living online.
But many of those require things that you and I would never have
access to such as, corporate bankrolls, and corporate manpower. I'm
just a one-man business and I'm guessing that you are too.
So with that in mind I am going to show you a very powerful way to
make profits online. With this extremely powerful method, your
profit making potential is limitless.
-Intro to Affiliate Programs-
I know many of you are making great profits using affiliate
programs, but I need to explain what they are and the power they
hold so that everybody is on the same level for the next few
If you haven't discovered affiliate programs on the Internet yet,
you are missing out on an extremely powerful profit-making source.
So what the heck are affiliate programs and how do they work?
Affiliate programs can vary from website to website, but the main
idea behind affiliate programs is that a website will pay you for
sending them buying customers.
You send people to a website, if they buy something from that
website you get a cut of the purchase.
You will usually be paid either a percentage of the sale or a flat
Here is a random list of websites that have affiliate programs. The
dollar amount shows how much ONE SINGLE PERSON is earning every
month with that affiliate program.
- $5,000/mo
- $10,000/mo
- $3,000/week
- $8,000/mo
- $18,000/mo
- $50,000/mo
- $5,000/mo
- $15,000/mo
I could go on forever with these amazing figures.
Everywhere you look, people are making massive profits on the
Internet. I'm showing you these figures in hopes that you will get
excited about affiliate programs. If you can become successful in
just one affiliate program, your life will change dramatically.
I personally am an affiliate with at least 10 different affiliate
programs. Granted not all affiliate programs you join will be
profitable, but if you can get just a few affiliate programs that
are profitable, you can make a ton in profits.
Can you imagine working with ten different affiliate programs that
convert 5 - 20 sales a day? If you were paid $15 for each sale,
that would mean you could be making $22500-$90000 per month.
Even if you had a bad month and only made one sale everyday for
each affiliate, you would still be making over $4500 per month. You
may think all of this is outrageous, but trust me; there are tons
of people out there just like you and I that are utilizing
affiliate programs on the Internet and making huge profits from
How can all this be possible? The Internet of course!!! It's
possible to advertise to hundreds of millions of people worldwide
with the single click of the mouse button. The Internet is probably
the most powerful marketing tool in the history of the world. Best
of all anyone can use this powerful marketing tool. Anyone with a
computer and Internet has access to millions of customers worldwide
and the opportunity to convert sales on a very large scale.
It is becoming very evident that affiliate programs will have a
huge role in the future of the Internet. Billions if not Trillions
of dollars are spent through online purchases every year, and this
number will continue to increase at an amazing rate.
It is also forecast that within 2-3 years, 50% of all online sales
will be made through the help of affiliate programs. You don't have
to be good with math to figure out that there is an enormous
opportunity waiting to be tapped.
But don't wait, act now!! Now is the best
time to get rolling, if you can establish your self with online
affiliate programs now, you will have good positioning to just sit
back and watch your profits increase as the Internet continues to
grow, which is inevitable.
Now I'm going to tell you the best part about affiliate programs.
Once you get everything up and running, you can basically sit back
and let the computers and the Internet do everything for you
You can spend as little as 3 hours a week and still
bring in well over $5000/month. Affiliate programs are awesome!!
But remember, the more time you spend working, the more income you
will make.
Think of it as a business, try to set some hours aside
and write out some goals that need to be accomplished every week.
Before you know it you will be making much more than you ever
Here are a few more reasons why affiliate programs are so great.
First of all, you don't need your own product. The owner of the
affiliate programs will take care of dealing with the customer for
They will also collect the payments, shipping and handling of
the products, deal with any complaints or questions by customers,
they take care of pretty much everything.
The only thing that you have to do is send them customers. When
that customer buys, you make a profit. It's as easy and simple as
that. Just promote and receive a check.
Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about make money. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what's important.
To Find Some Truly amazing and profitable Affiliate program, to Make Money, check out the following links.
Copy Paste Systems
Rapid Mass Traffic
The information in the article below comes straight from well-informed experts with special knowledge about How to make money.
Most of this information comes straight from the Money Making Pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.
So how exactly do you make substantial profits on the Internet?
Well there are literally thousands of ways to earn a living online.
But many of those require things that you and I would never have
access to such as, corporate bankrolls, and corporate manpower. I'm
just a one-man business and I'm guessing that you are too.
So with that in mind I am going to show you a very powerful way to
make profits online. With this extremely powerful method, your
profit making potential is limitless.
-Intro to Affiliate Programs-
I know many of you are making great profits using affiliate
programs, but I need to explain what they are and the power they
hold so that everybody is on the same level for the next few
If you haven't discovered affiliate programs on the Internet yet,
you are missing out on an extremely powerful profit-making source.
So what the heck are affiliate programs and how do they work?
Affiliate programs can vary from website to website, but the main
idea behind affiliate programs is that a website will pay you for
sending them buying customers.
You send people to a website, if they buy something from that
website you get a cut of the purchase.
You will usually be paid either a percentage of the sale or a flat
Here is a random list of websites that have affiliate programs. The
dollar amount shows how much ONE SINGLE PERSON is earning every
month with that affiliate program.
- $5,000/mo
- $10,000/mo
- $3,000/week
- $8,000/mo
- $18,000/mo
- $50,000/mo
- $5,000/mo
- $15,000/mo
I could go on forever with these amazing figures.
Everywhere you look, people are making massive profits on the
Internet. I'm showing you these figures in hopes that you will get
excited about affiliate programs. If you can become successful in
just one affiliate program, your life will change dramatically.
I personally am an affiliate with at least 10 different affiliate
programs. Granted not all affiliate programs you join will be
profitable, but if you can get just a few affiliate programs that
are profitable, you can make a ton in profits.
Can you imagine working with ten different affiliate programs that
convert 5 - 20 sales a day? If you were paid $15 for each sale,
that would mean you could be making $22500-$90000 per month.
Even if you had a bad month and only made one sale everyday for
each affiliate, you would still be making over $4500 per month. You
may think all of this is outrageous, but trust me; there are tons
of people out there just like you and I that are utilizing
affiliate programs on the Internet and making huge profits from
How can all this be possible? The Internet of course!!! It's
possible to advertise to hundreds of millions of people worldwide
with the single click of the mouse button. The Internet is probably
the most powerful marketing tool in the history of the world. Best
of all anyone can use this powerful marketing tool. Anyone with a
computer and Internet has access to millions of customers worldwide
and the opportunity to convert sales on a very large scale.
It is becoming very evident that affiliate programs will have a
huge role in the future of the Internet. Billions if not Trillions
of dollars are spent through online purchases every year, and this
number will continue to increase at an amazing rate.
It is also forecast that within 2-3 years, 50% of all online sales
will be made through the help of affiliate programs. You don't have
to be good with math to figure out that there is an enormous
opportunity waiting to be tapped.
But don't wait, act now!! Now is the best
time to get rolling, if you can establish your self with online
affiliate programs now, you will have good positioning to just sit
back and watch your profits increase as the Internet continues to
grow, which is inevitable.
Now I'm going to tell you the best part about affiliate programs.
Once you get everything up and running, you can basically sit back
and let the computers and the Internet do everything for you
You can spend as little as 3 hours a week and still
bring in well over $5000/month. Affiliate programs are awesome!!
But remember, the more time you spend working, the more income you
will make.
Think of it as a business, try to set some hours aside
and write out some goals that need to be accomplished every week.
Before you know it you will be making much more than you ever
Here are a few more reasons why affiliate programs are so great.
First of all, you don't need your own product. The owner of the
affiliate programs will take care of dealing with the customer for
They will also collect the payments, shipping and handling of
the products, deal with any complaints or questions by customers,
they take care of pretty much everything.
The only thing that you have to do is send them customers. When
that customer buys, you make a profit. It's as easy and simple as
that. Just promote and receive a check.
Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about make money. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what's important.
To Find Some Truly amazing and profitable Affiliate program, to Make Money, check out the following links.
Copy Paste Systems
Rapid Mass Traffic
Saturday, April 17, 2010
3 Things All Affiliates Need To Make Money Online
3 Things All Affiliate Marketers Need To Survive Online
Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a magic formula that is readily available for them. Actually, it is more complicated than that. It is just good marketing practices that have been proven over years of hard work and dedication.
There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today. With these top three marketing tips, you will be able to able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.
What are these three tactics?
1. Using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of it together just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more.
Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do to those who buys them. Also include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. Be sure that these customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing.
You can also write articles highlighting the uses of the product and include them on the website as an additional page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.
2. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.
Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inboxes at certain specified period, you will remind them of the product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch.
Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word “free” because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk before even anyone reading them first. Convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something big if they do not avail of your products and services.
3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.
Try to write a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 300-600 words in length. By continuously writing and maintaining these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day.
Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic.
The tactics given above does not really sound very difficult to do, if you think about it. It just requires a little time and an action plan on your part.
Try to use these tips for several affiliate marketing programs. You can end maintaining a good source of income and surviving in this business that not all marketers can do.
Besides, think of the huge paychecks you will be receiving…
Links of interest:
Commission Blueprint 2.0
Copy Paste Systems
Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a magic formula that is readily available for them. Actually, it is more complicated than that. It is just good marketing practices that have been proven over years of hard work and dedication.
There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today. With these top three marketing tips, you will be able to able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.
What are these three tactics?
1. Using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of it together just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more.
Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do to those who buys them. Also include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. Be sure that these customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing.
You can also write articles highlighting the uses of the product and include them on the website as an additional page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.
2. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.
Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inboxes at certain specified period, you will remind them of the product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch.
Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word “free” because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk before even anyone reading them first. Convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something big if they do not avail of your products and services.
3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.
Try to write a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 300-600 words in length. By continuously writing and maintaining these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day.
Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic.
The tactics given above does not really sound very difficult to do, if you think about it. It just requires a little time and an action plan on your part.
Try to use these tips for several affiliate marketing programs. You can end maintaining a good source of income and surviving in this business that not all marketers can do.
Besides, think of the huge paychecks you will be receiving…
Links of interest:
Commission Blueprint 2.0
Copy Paste Systems
Thursday, April 15, 2010
What Are Keywords?
So What are Keywords, And why Are They so Important?
Once you’ve decided to start your own online business, you’ll first want to get a firm grasp on how your potential customers use the Internet. In particular, you’ll need to learn what exactly they use the Internet for.
It would certainly be great for your company if every person who logged on was doing so because they had their credit cards in hand, and were looking to buy precisely the kinds of products and services you offer services. But of course this isn’t the case.
Rather, most people use the Internet to get information. That search for information often takes the form of trying to answer questions that these individuals have been unable to find answers for elsewhere.
So how do people tend to go about finding answers to their questions? As you might guess, these days most Internet users tend to rely upon search engines like Google, Bing (Microsoft’s new search engine) and Yahoo. While most Internet users will have heard of (and probably used) at least one of these three search engines, there are also hundreds of other search engines available. However, those other search engines generate far less traffic than the big three (Google alone garners over 2/3 of the Internet search traffic), so we’ll focus our attention on the big ones.
As you probably know, a person uses a search engine like Google by typing a word or phrase into the search box. This specific word or phrase is the key to your business success, because the word or phrase indicates exactly what that person is looking for.
Let’s say, for example, that the individual is interested in losing weight. If they type the phrase “weight loss” into Google, the search results page will provide two things, paid and organic search results. Go ahead and Google “weight loss.”
Notice the yellow box at the top of the page, and the narrow column that runs down the right side of the page. These are paid search results – companies have paid Google to have their text (and links to their company websites) displayed whenever someone searches on the term “weight loss”. Not surprisingly, you can see that these companies appear to be selling weight loss and diet products and services.
The majority of the page displays the so-called “organic” or search results. This means that the Google search engine determined these web pages to be most naturally (or “organically”) related to the phrase “weight loss”. The phrase “weight loss” is what we refer to as a “keyword term”. You can see the importance of the keyword term by the fact that the phrase “weight loss” is highlighted throughout both the organic search results and the paid search results.
In order to maximize your business opportunities, you’ll need to research and identify the terms and phrases that potential customers will use when they look for the kinds of products and services you’re selling.
After identifying those keywords, you could certainly launch a paid advertising campaign like the ones mentioned above. This would be an easy way of driving lots of relevant traffic to your website, right?
Unfortunately, because of the level of competition for the attention of prospective customers, it’s very easy for beginning advertisers (and even some advertisers with more experience) to end up spending a lot of money but have very little to show for it.
New web business owners will probably want to wait to do paid advertising until they are more firmly established, and instead focus on getting the best organic search results placement for their website. You can do this by using keyword research skills and optimizing your website accordingly.
Other sites of interest:
About the Author
Copy Paste Systems Review| is it Real or Scam| Fast and Easy Money
Extremely Fast Weight Loss
Once you’ve decided to start your own online business, you’ll first want to get a firm grasp on how your potential customers use the Internet. In particular, you’ll need to learn what exactly they use the Internet for.
It would certainly be great for your company if every person who logged on was doing so because they had their credit cards in hand, and were looking to buy precisely the kinds of products and services you offer services. But of course this isn’t the case.
Rather, most people use the Internet to get information. That search for information often takes the form of trying to answer questions that these individuals have been unable to find answers for elsewhere.
So how do people tend to go about finding answers to their questions? As you might guess, these days most Internet users tend to rely upon search engines like Google, Bing (Microsoft’s new search engine) and Yahoo. While most Internet users will have heard of (and probably used) at least one of these three search engines, there are also hundreds of other search engines available. However, those other search engines generate far less traffic than the big three (Google alone garners over 2/3 of the Internet search traffic), so we’ll focus our attention on the big ones.
As you probably know, a person uses a search engine like Google by typing a word or phrase into the search box. This specific word or phrase is the key to your business success, because the word or phrase indicates exactly what that person is looking for.
Let’s say, for example, that the individual is interested in losing weight. If they type the phrase “weight loss” into Google, the search results page will provide two things, paid and organic search results. Go ahead and Google “weight loss.”
Notice the yellow box at the top of the page, and the narrow column that runs down the right side of the page. These are paid search results – companies have paid Google to have their text (and links to their company websites) displayed whenever someone searches on the term “weight loss”. Not surprisingly, you can see that these companies appear to be selling weight loss and diet products and services.
The majority of the page displays the so-called “organic” or search results. This means that the Google search engine determined these web pages to be most naturally (or “organically”) related to the phrase “weight loss”. The phrase “weight loss” is what we refer to as a “keyword term”. You can see the importance of the keyword term by the fact that the phrase “weight loss” is highlighted throughout both the organic search results and the paid search results.
In order to maximize your business opportunities, you’ll need to research and identify the terms and phrases that potential customers will use when they look for the kinds of products and services you’re selling.
After identifying those keywords, you could certainly launch a paid advertising campaign like the ones mentioned above. This would be an easy way of driving lots of relevant traffic to your website, right?
Unfortunately, because of the level of competition for the attention of prospective customers, it’s very easy for beginning advertisers (and even some advertisers with more experience) to end up spending a lot of money but have very little to show for it.
New web business owners will probably want to wait to do paid advertising until they are more firmly established, and instead focus on getting the best organic search results placement for their website. You can do this by using keyword research skills and optimizing your website accordingly.
Other sites of interest:
About the Author
Copy Paste Systems Review| is it Real or Scam| Fast and Easy Money
Extremely Fast Weight Loss
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
An Introduction to Keyword Research.
If you’re reading this article, then you probably already know you want to set up your own online business. But it can be difficult (and a little overwhelming) to know where to start. In fact, once you start doing your own research on where to begin, you may come across advice that could seem contradictory.
The fact that there is so much advice out there (some of which is sometimes contradictory) shouldn’t be surprising. Keyword research is as much an art as it is a science, and the Internet search engines that use keywords have very complicated (and proprietary) processes for determining which web pages show up in search results, and in which orders.
Although some of the inner workings of search engines are not made public (which leads to a number of different “experts” claiming that they have discovered the secrets), it’s generally accepted that one of the immutable truths for search engine success is the importance of keyword research. And despite the cacophony of viewpoints, keyword research, and the entire keyword optimization process, is a skill (or ability, depending on how you look at it) that anyone can learn.
Key Components of Keyword Research
Keyword research is ultimately designed to help you find highly targeted traffic, position yourself well in search engine results, and find a niche market that you can build your business around. Key components of keyword research include understanding:
* The definition of keywords and keyword phrases in the context of Internet search engines
* How Internet search engines use keyword phrases to provide the search results to their users
* The concept of “targeted visitors”, and how this is an essential part of your keyword research process
* Finding a niche market to focus your keyword research efforts
* The concept of competition for search engine traffic
* The various tools that you can use to perform quick, accurate, and generally free research
* Promoting your business and website by using the basic keyword concepts
Keyword research means your prospects will be able to find you when they’re searching for your valuable information. The search engines will position you in the top pages of their results. Your competition will be sidestepped, and eventually shoved aside, and you’ll be able to build a profitable business from the get go instead of struggling, throwing the metaphorical spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, and losing money along the way.
Keyword research, when conducted with a specific strategy, can lead you to a online business that sells. It doesn’t matter what your business model is, what you’re marketing or who your audience is, you and your business will profit when you integrate keyword research into your business building strategy from day one.
To learn more about the author check out
The fact that there is so much advice out there (some of which is sometimes contradictory) shouldn’t be surprising. Keyword research is as much an art as it is a science, and the Internet search engines that use keywords have very complicated (and proprietary) processes for determining which web pages show up in search results, and in which orders.
Although some of the inner workings of search engines are not made public (which leads to a number of different “experts” claiming that they have discovered the secrets), it’s generally accepted that one of the immutable truths for search engine success is the importance of keyword research. And despite the cacophony of viewpoints, keyword research, and the entire keyword optimization process, is a skill (or ability, depending on how you look at it) that anyone can learn.
Key Components of Keyword Research
Keyword research is ultimately designed to help you find highly targeted traffic, position yourself well in search engine results, and find a niche market that you can build your business around. Key components of keyword research include understanding:
* The definition of keywords and keyword phrases in the context of Internet search engines
* How Internet search engines use keyword phrases to provide the search results to their users
* The concept of “targeted visitors”, and how this is an essential part of your keyword research process
* Finding a niche market to focus your keyword research efforts
* The concept of competition for search engine traffic
* The various tools that you can use to perform quick, accurate, and generally free research
* Promoting your business and website by using the basic keyword concepts
Keyword research means your prospects will be able to find you when they’re searching for your valuable information. The search engines will position you in the top pages of their results. Your competition will be sidestepped, and eventually shoved aside, and you’ll be able to build a profitable business from the get go instead of struggling, throwing the metaphorical spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, and losing money along the way.
Keyword research, when conducted with a specific strategy, can lead you to a online business that sells. It doesn’t matter what your business model is, what you’re marketing or who your audience is, you and your business will profit when you integrate keyword research into your business building strategy from day one.
To learn more about the author check out
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
How to Attract Targeted Visitors
You began your online business in order to make money, right? Well, it's probably apparent you’ll have a greater chance of making more money from individuals who are interested in the kinds of products and services you sell.
Let’s use the example that you run a website that promotes a product or service, which helps people lose weight. So, the types of people you want to find and visit your website are those who are interested in becoming thinner. Conversely, if a visitor to your website isn’t particularly interested in losing weight (but is instead searching the Internet because they’re interested in video games or gardening), then it’s unlikely that they’re going to convert into a paying customer.
This is the concept of a “targeted visitor” – a person who is already in your website’s topic before they find your website and see the products and services you offer.
It’s not hard to see why the most successful web business are those who get traffic comprised of individuals who are already interested in the products or services offered by that business. So it’s essential to your success that you build you individual website pages to contain and focus on the individual keywords that relate to your products and services.
In addition, it’s likely that your appearances on a given search results page won’t be limited just to pages on your own website. The search engine is likely to find and list many “external” resources, too. These will include marketing-type materials that you may publish through other websites.
Go ahead and type a generic search term or phrase into your favorite search engine. Chances are that near the top of the natural search results there will be links to external aggregations sites like YouTube and EzineArticles. This is something that you want to emulate as well.
So in order to make sure you’re driving the greatest number of targeted visitors to your website as possible, you first need to create a site in which each web page is focused on the particular keyword terms and phrases that you’ll identify. Second, you’ll support this by creating promotional materials (again, using the relevant keyword terms and phrases), and making sure these are properly distributed on the Internet.
Finally, once your website is live, make sure to submit your web address directly to the major search engines. Each search engine has a page that permits you to do this:
Google’s is at
Yahoo’s is at
and Microsoft’s is at
The search engines would eventually find your pages, of course, but using these quick submission forms helps the process move forward more quickly.
One resource that I have found to be VERY helpful in getting visitors is:
How To Get Visitors
Another one is:
Free Traffic Volcano
Let’s use the example that you run a website that promotes a product or service, which helps people lose weight. So, the types of people you want to find and visit your website are those who are interested in becoming thinner. Conversely, if a visitor to your website isn’t particularly interested in losing weight (but is instead searching the Internet because they’re interested in video games or gardening), then it’s unlikely that they’re going to convert into a paying customer.
This is the concept of a “targeted visitor” – a person who is already in your website’s topic before they find your website and see the products and services you offer.
It’s not hard to see why the most successful web business are those who get traffic comprised of individuals who are already interested in the products or services offered by that business. So it’s essential to your success that you build you individual website pages to contain and focus on the individual keywords that relate to your products and services.
In addition, it’s likely that your appearances on a given search results page won’t be limited just to pages on your own website. The search engine is likely to find and list many “external” resources, too. These will include marketing-type materials that you may publish through other websites.
Go ahead and type a generic search term or phrase into your favorite search engine. Chances are that near the top of the natural search results there will be links to external aggregations sites like YouTube and EzineArticles. This is something that you want to emulate as well.
So in order to make sure you’re driving the greatest number of targeted visitors to your website as possible, you first need to create a site in which each web page is focused on the particular keyword terms and phrases that you’ll identify. Second, you’ll support this by creating promotional materials (again, using the relevant keyword terms and phrases), and making sure these are properly distributed on the Internet.
Finally, once your website is live, make sure to submit your web address directly to the major search engines. Each search engine has a page that permits you to do this:
Google’s is at
Yahoo’s is at
and Microsoft’s is at
The search engines would eventually find your pages, of course, but using these quick submission forms helps the process move forward more quickly.
One resource that I have found to be VERY helpful in getting visitors is:
How To Get Visitors
Another one is:
Free Traffic Volcano
Monday, April 5, 2010
To Get More Traffic, You Need More Backlinks
To get traffic from the search engines you need links to your website, lots of links. This is because the search engines give better rank to pages with inbound links than to pages with little or no links.
Here's an easy way to get links from blog comments. Just type the following search query into Google:
wordpress comments "your keywords"
Where you replace "your keywords" with the specific keywords your are targeting with your website.
When you search like that you will find wordpress blogs related to your niche where you can post relevant comments and include a link back to your site.
Make sure to use different variations of your keywords when you link back!
A good strategy when commenting on blogs is to write something that ads value to the discussion. That way some people reading your comment will become interested in what you do and click through to your website to check you our.
Links from blogs in the same niche as your website is a lot more valuable for SEO than links from random unrelated blogs. The search engines considers the theme of the link when deciding how to rank your site.
Here's an easy way to get links from blog comments. Just type the following search query into Google:
wordpress comments "your keywords"
Where you replace "your keywords" with the specific keywords your are targeting with your website.
When you search like that you will find wordpress blogs related to your niche where you can post relevant comments and include a link back to your site.
Make sure to use different variations of your keywords when you link back!
A good strategy when commenting on blogs is to write something that ads value to the discussion. That way some people reading your comment will become interested in what you do and click through to your website to check you our.
Links from blogs in the same niche as your website is a lot more valuable for SEO than links from random unrelated blogs. The search engines considers the theme of the link when deciding how to rank your site.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Want 10000+ quality website visitors per month free?
Free Traffic Volcano is live
and I decided to go check it out. This highly anticipated free traffic
generation guide had
some great reviews and wanted to find out if the hype was true.
I got my hands on the Free Traffic Volcano and have been going through
it and implementing some of the strategies. So far, I am pleasantly
pleased with it. On my one blog I have doubled my traffic and got a lot
more clicks on my adsense links. It seems that most of these techniques
are pretty good and they bring in highly targeted visitors. The video
tutorials that come with the Free Traffic Volcano is also very handy.
It showed me some techniques to save literally hours of marketing each
week with just a few secret tricks. Very useful.
Overall, I am very happy with this product so far, it seems that it
wasn't just hype and this product really delivers. With all the bonuses
including PLR bonuses of over $1000, this product really is a steal and
I can recommend this all of you.
If you want to read more about the Free Traffic volcano, check it out
and I decided to go check it out. This highly anticipated free traffic
generation guide had
some great reviews and wanted to find out if the hype was true.
I got my hands on the Free Traffic Volcano and have been going through
it and implementing some of the strategies. So far, I am pleasantly
pleased with it. On my one blog I have doubled my traffic and got a lot
more clicks on my adsense links. It seems that most of these techniques
are pretty good and they bring in highly targeted visitors. The video
tutorials that come with the Free Traffic Volcano is also very handy.
It showed me some techniques to save literally hours of marketing each
week with just a few secret tricks. Very useful.
Overall, I am very happy with this product so far, it seems that it
wasn't just hype and this product really delivers. With all the bonuses
including PLR bonuses of over $1000, this product really is a steal and
I can recommend this all of you.
If you want to read more about the Free Traffic volcano, check it out
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
How to Make Money Online Fast & Easy part 3
To try to help you achieve in making money online i am going to tell you abit about the different types of advertising.
There are many different ways that companies use to advertise their products. Most are very effective. But the how,when, and where for you to use them on your website and/or blog can be a challenge.
One of the most effective way for companies to advertise is using PPC (short for pay per click). PPC is a google AdWords add, the way it works is that the advertiser only pays when someone clicks on their add. The difference between AdWords and AdSense is, AdWords is for the seller, and AdSense are the little adds that people like you and i place on our websites/bloggs.
Now when you place AdSense on your blog and someone clicks on the add, the advertiser pays google AdWords a pre-determined amount of money, and Google Adsense in turn pays you a predetermined amount of money for having the add placed on your web page or blog. In essence it is a win-win situation for both the advertiser and for you, as the advertiser gets their product advertised, and you make money for having their add displayed on your site.
Another very effective way of advertising is called DIRECT ADVERTISING. This is where a business or company comes to you directly and asks you to place their ad on your website. This can be a very profitable type of opportunity as you get the privilege of negotiating the price of placing the add. You get to set the price, and make the deal for the type if ad (ie. banner, picture with link. link posted) and for how long etc. The only hitch to this type of advertising is that companies usually only do this with sites that have a very high profile with allot of daily traffic. Also your site has to be very target specific. The things that you have posted on your site must be exactly orientated to the product that the seller is advertising.
I would like to invite you to check out my personal profile site, where you can find out more about me, you can see some pictures of myself and my family, as well as learn more about me and what all i am about.
So check out:
There are many different ways that companies use to advertise their products. Most are very effective. But the how,when, and where for you to use them on your website and/or blog can be a challenge.
One of the most effective way for companies to advertise is using PPC (short for pay per click). PPC is a google AdWords add, the way it works is that the advertiser only pays when someone clicks on their add. The difference between AdWords and AdSense is, AdWords is for the seller, and AdSense are the little adds that people like you and i place on our websites/bloggs.
Now when you place AdSense on your blog and someone clicks on the add, the advertiser pays google AdWords a pre-determined amount of money, and Google Adsense in turn pays you a predetermined amount of money for having the add placed on your web page or blog. In essence it is a win-win situation for both the advertiser and for you, as the advertiser gets their product advertised, and you make money for having their add displayed on your site.
Another very effective way of advertising is called DIRECT ADVERTISING. This is where a business or company comes to you directly and asks you to place their ad on your website. This can be a very profitable type of opportunity as you get the privilege of negotiating the price of placing the add. You get to set the price, and make the deal for the type if ad (ie. banner, picture with link. link posted) and for how long etc. The only hitch to this type of advertising is that companies usually only do this with sites that have a very high profile with allot of daily traffic. Also your site has to be very target specific. The things that you have posted on your site must be exactly orientated to the product that the seller is advertising.
I would like to invite you to check out my personal profile site, where you can find out more about me, you can see some pictures of myself and my family, as well as learn more about me and what all i am about.
So check out:
Thursday, January 21, 2010
How To Make Money Online Fast & Easy part 2
Well in part 1 of this series we discussed affiliate programs for making money online. Today we will shift our focus to something a little different.
If you would like to earn a living online one of the best ways to do so is through article writing. There is a huge demand out there of FREELANCE writers. The main advantage to being a freelance writer is that you can singup with different freelance writer sites for free. and write and publish articles about what you are interested in, as well as about what you are knowledgeable in.
One of the premier sites for beginner writers is This site allows you to write articles about anything that interests you, and as you write articles you are able to watch your article, as well as your profile ratings move up or down. As you get better and better at writing articles your profile rating goes up, This means that your article content is good, as well as the way you present it is improving. Hub pages is also a free site. It costs nothing to sign up and begin to write and post articles. Another nice feature is that they have several affiliate programs that you can join for free and begin to make money with your articles. Some of the affiliate programs they offer are google AdSense and amazon.
The Biggest challenge for beginner writers (myself included) is passion. In order to write articles that will captivate your audience, the writer must have a passion for what they are writing about. Passion is vital for the writer to be able to write knowledgeable, informative articles in a way that brings across their message in a way that is both interesting to the reader as well as showcase the writers ability to inform the reader of what the article is all about.
Another challenge for writers is TIME MANAGEMENT. Ahhhhhhhh i hit upon the very thing that most of us struggle with. As a writer myself i find that it is so easy to become distracted by all of the other things online. I follow some other writers myself, and i find that i can spend allot of time surfing the net reading other writers articles, and before i know it my times up and i have not yet gotten around to writing my own article. If you what to make money online, you must manage your time so that you can post articles regularly. If you do not post articles regularly you will find that any followers that you might have, or any that would like to follow your articles because of the content will fall by the wayside. As these followers begin to fall by the wayside they stop clicking on your adds, and most importantly, they stop telling others about this AWESOME site where they found some very valuable information about said topic.
So while it is very important to follow other writers, so that you can keep up with what others are writing about, as well as to keep on top of what the HOT topics of the day/week are. DO NOT let this take up all your time.
Without writing and posting your own articles regularly, you will not make money online as an article writer.
i would encourage you to visit my personal bio site to learn more about me the author @
If you would like to earn a living online one of the best ways to do so is through article writing. There is a huge demand out there of FREELANCE writers. The main advantage to being a freelance writer is that you can singup with different freelance writer sites for free. and write and publish articles about what you are interested in, as well as about what you are knowledgeable in.
One of the premier sites for beginner writers is This site allows you to write articles about anything that interests you, and as you write articles you are able to watch your article, as well as your profile ratings move up or down. As you get better and better at writing articles your profile rating goes up, This means that your article content is good, as well as the way you present it is improving. Hub pages is also a free site. It costs nothing to sign up and begin to write and post articles. Another nice feature is that they have several affiliate programs that you can join for free and begin to make money with your articles. Some of the affiliate programs they offer are google AdSense and amazon.
The Biggest challenge for beginner writers (myself included) is passion. In order to write articles that will captivate your audience, the writer must have a passion for what they are writing about. Passion is vital for the writer to be able to write knowledgeable, informative articles in a way that brings across their message in a way that is both interesting to the reader as well as showcase the writers ability to inform the reader of what the article is all about.
Another challenge for writers is TIME MANAGEMENT. Ahhhhhhhh i hit upon the very thing that most of us struggle with. As a writer myself i find that it is so easy to become distracted by all of the other things online. I follow some other writers myself, and i find that i can spend allot of time surfing the net reading other writers articles, and before i know it my times up and i have not yet gotten around to writing my own article. If you what to make money online, you must manage your time so that you can post articles regularly. If you do not post articles regularly you will find that any followers that you might have, or any that would like to follow your articles because of the content will fall by the wayside. As these followers begin to fall by the wayside they stop clicking on your adds, and most importantly, they stop telling others about this AWESOME site where they found some very valuable information about said topic.
So while it is very important to follow other writers, so that you can keep up with what others are writing about, as well as to keep on top of what the HOT topics of the day/week are. DO NOT let this take up all your time.
Without writing and posting your own articles regularly, you will not make money online as an article writer.
i would encourage you to visit my personal bio site to learn more about me the author @
Saturday, January 16, 2010
How to Make Money with Google AdWords & Clickbank Together
Now you may be wondering how this is going to make you profits?
Ok let’s put everything together to show you how this works.
First you would go to ClickBank and search through the thousands of
affiliate programs for a product you would like to promote.
For this example let’s say that you choose to promote an ebook
called “How to play the Guitar like a pro”.
Let’s say the ebook is selling for $49 with a 50% commission for
This means if you send people to the website and they buy the
ebook, you will make $24.50 for every ebook sold. That’s excellent
money. (ClickBank takes a small percentage but you will still make
about $22 per sale)
You are making just as much as the author of the ebook. 50%
commissions are actually very common with ClickBank products.
So now that you have an affiliate product that you want to promote,
it’s time to start promoting the product.
This is where Google AdWords comes into play.
With Google AdWords you would bid on some key search terms such as:
Playing guitar
Learning guitar
Pro guitar
Guitar for beginners
Guitar lessons
Beginning guitar
Guitar guide
When someone does a Google search for one of these terms, your ad
will show up. If that person clicks on your ad you will be charged
the amount that you bid for that search term, sometimes less.
Let’s say that your bid price per click is $0.07 .
If the guitar ebook is a fairly good converting product you can
expect to sell one ebook for every 100 clicks on your Google
AdWords ad.
If that were the case, it would cost you: $7 in advertising to sell
one ebook, which pays you a commission of $24.50. That’s a profit
of $17.50.
Granted figures change from product to product and circumstance,
but there is so much potential out there, all you have to do is
find the right product to market and you can make some serious
What makes Google AdWords and ClickBank such a powerful
combination? ClickBank supplies the high quality products and
AdWords supplies a very effective way to advertise those products.
Both websites are leaders in their respective fields and are highly
throughout the industry.
Both AdWords and ClickBank are very simple to use and can be set up
in minutes.
Both systems can be automated. After getting everything set up, you
can just let it be and the profits will continue to come in.
No website is needed.
Millions of dollars have been made using this combination. Millions
will continue to be made using this combination.
Google continues to get more and more popular, which means more
potential purchasers.
ClickBank continues to increase its product base (11,000+ and
With both Google and ClickBank growing, there is plenty of room for
everyone to make profits and it will continue to get better as the
Internet grows.
Ok let’s put everything together to show you how this works.
First you would go to ClickBank and search through the thousands of
affiliate programs for a product you would like to promote.
For this example let’s say that you choose to promote an ebook
called “How to play the Guitar like a pro”.
Let’s say the ebook is selling for $49 with a 50% commission for
This means if you send people to the website and they buy the
ebook, you will make $24.50 for every ebook sold. That’s excellent
money. (ClickBank takes a small percentage but you will still make
about $22 per sale)
You are making just as much as the author of the ebook. 50%
commissions are actually very common with ClickBank products.
So now that you have an affiliate product that you want to promote,
it’s time to start promoting the product.
This is where Google AdWords comes into play.
With Google AdWords you would bid on some key search terms such as:
Playing guitar
Learning guitar
Pro guitar
Guitar for beginners
Guitar lessons
Beginning guitar
Guitar guide
When someone does a Google search for one of these terms, your ad
will show up. If that person clicks on your ad you will be charged
the amount that you bid for that search term, sometimes less.
Let’s say that your bid price per click is $0.07 .
If the guitar ebook is a fairly good converting product you can
expect to sell one ebook for every 100 clicks on your Google
AdWords ad.
If that were the case, it would cost you: $7 in advertising to sell
one ebook, which pays you a commission of $24.50. That’s a profit
of $17.50.
Granted figures change from product to product and circumstance,
but there is so much potential out there, all you have to do is
find the right product to market and you can make some serious
What makes Google AdWords and ClickBank such a powerful
combination? ClickBank supplies the high quality products and
AdWords supplies a very effective way to advertise those products.
Both websites are leaders in their respective fields and are highly
throughout the industry.
Both AdWords and ClickBank are very simple to use and can be set up
in minutes.
Both systems can be automated. After getting everything set up, you
can just let it be and the profits will continue to come in.
No website is needed.
Millions of dollars have been made using this combination. Millions
will continue to be made using this combination.
Google continues to get more and more popular, which means more
potential purchasers.
ClickBank continues to increase its product base (11,000+ and
With both Google and ClickBank growing, there is plenty of room for
everyone to make profits and it will continue to get better as the
Internet grows.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
How to Make Money Online fast and Easy Part 1
Have you been dreaming about making HUGE amounts of money online? Have you considered affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is the fastest growing trend on the Internet to date. and the best part of it is, is that it all completely online. You NEVER have to touch, handle, ship, or in any other way deal with product. You can start to earn income from the comforts of your own home. But first you must understand how it works.
The first step in affiliate marketing is to choose an affiliate program to be part of. This is the most crucial step in begining as an affiliate marketer. If you are unable to choose a good program, you may not be able to make money online at all. Although you are trying ultimately to make money, do not let this blind you from choosing a good reliable affiliate program. Most good affiliate programs take some time to really get rolling. As a beginner you must earn credibility, and you must become known as a reliable, honest person, who can be depended on. Try not to be a passive affiliate, get involved with the program. Get to know the people running it, learn how the program works so that you can honestly answer any questions potential customers may ask.
Second. Stick with the program. Making an affiliate program work takes time. DO NOT become one of the millions of wannabees out there that jump from program to program, as often as you change your socks. If you continually switch programs because you do not see immediate results, then you are guaranteed to never make money online.
Third. Have some one guide you through the ins and outs of your chosen affiliate program. A program mentor is essential to really making the program work for you. If you one of their existing affiliates to be your mentor, and they willing do it, then you can rest assured that the program is probably Legit. If you ask them to mentor you, and you get no response then beware. Any program that the promoter is not willing to help you make work is probably not worth your time any effort, (in other words, it is most likely a scam).
Lastly. Always set goals,and objectives, and stick to them. Don't let the hype of fast cash derail your dream of making a income online. Remember this " A dream without action, and effort, is exactly that, A DREAM ". Without setting objectives and goals for yourself, you are setting yourself up to fail.
When setting goals don't shoot for the moon in your first week or month, because this is not realistic, Set goals for yourself that are attainable, and as you reach them you will gain confidence in your self and your program.
To learn more about me the author please visit my profile site at , i have set this site up as a personal profile site where you can find out more about me and what i am all about here online. I hope to see you there.
The first step in affiliate marketing is to choose an affiliate program to be part of. This is the most crucial step in begining as an affiliate marketer. If you are unable to choose a good program, you may not be able to make money online at all. Although you are trying ultimately to make money, do not let this blind you from choosing a good reliable affiliate program. Most good affiliate programs take some time to really get rolling. As a beginner you must earn credibility, and you must become known as a reliable, honest person, who can be depended on. Try not to be a passive affiliate, get involved with the program. Get to know the people running it, learn how the program works so that you can honestly answer any questions potential customers may ask.
Second. Stick with the program. Making an affiliate program work takes time. DO NOT become one of the millions of wannabees out there that jump from program to program, as often as you change your socks. If you continually switch programs because you do not see immediate results, then you are guaranteed to never make money online.
Third. Have some one guide you through the ins and outs of your chosen affiliate program. A program mentor is essential to really making the program work for you. If you one of their existing affiliates to be your mentor, and they willing do it, then you can rest assured that the program is probably Legit. If you ask them to mentor you, and you get no response then beware. Any program that the promoter is not willing to help you make work is probably not worth your time any effort, (in other words, it is most likely a scam).
Lastly. Always set goals,and objectives, and stick to them. Don't let the hype of fast cash derail your dream of making a income online. Remember this " A dream without action, and effort, is exactly that, A DREAM ". Without setting objectives and goals for yourself, you are setting yourself up to fail.
When setting goals don't shoot for the moon in your first week or month, because this is not realistic, Set goals for yourself that are attainable, and as you reach them you will gain confidence in your self and your program.
To learn more about me the author please visit my profile site at , i have set this site up as a personal profile site where you can find out more about me and what i am all about here online. I hope to see you there.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Power of Affiliate Programs for Making Money Online
The most asked question by all newbie online business people, ( ie bloggers, web page owners ect.) is HOW DO I ACTUALLY make money through my site?
Well the answer is fairly simple. Although simple in terms of reality for some of us (myself included) can be a daunting task. So i have decided to attempt to explain a little about how simple affiliate marketing is, as well as to explain a little bit about how it works as well.
Affiliate Programs & Profits.
The best part about affiliate marketing is:
1) You don't need your own website or blog
2) You don't need your own product.
3) You don't need ANY money to start.
Let me explain the 3 points above a little more in depth for you.
1) you don't need your own website or blog.
- to be an affiliate marketer you do not need a web page or a blog to be able to promote other peoples products. All you have to do is join a affiliate marketing site, and begin to promote their products via email, forums, discussion groups, article publishing sites. There are so many ways to promote affiliate products that don't cost you any money, nor do you have to own your own website or blog and have the hassle of looking after them.
2) you don't need your own product.
- the best part about affiliate marketing is that you don't have to create a product or write an e-book or anything like that, all good affiliate sites have loads of products that you can pick and choose from, and promote in so many ways.
- the way most affiliate sites work, is that you sign up to become an affiliate, then you choose the product(s) that you would like to promote, then the affiliate site will give you a special link for you to use in your chosen method of promoting. This link is what the affliate site uses to ensure that you get credit (paid) for anyone who clicks on the link that you placed in your promotion article, e-mail, forum, discussion group, And makes a purchase.
3) Don't need any money to start.
- with affiliate marketing you can start to market affiliate products without spending any money. There are so many FREE affiliate marketing sites out there that you can join for free and MOST of them are LEGIT.
My Favorite 3 are:
For Commission Junction, log into their site and click on " Be a publisher" and follow the sign up procedure.
For Link Share and ClickBank, log into their site and click on become an affiliate, and follow the sign-up procedure.
The best part about these sites is that they are 100% free to join, and they have tons of products and things to promote that can pay you as high as 75% commission.
Now you are wondering how does one go about promoting these products without spending any money. Well the answer to that is simple.
- you have to be careful with e-mails, because unless you are absolutely sure the person receiving the e-mail wants to know about the product you are promoting, then you are spamming, and all affiliate marketing sites will cancel your account with them if you spam. So make sure before you send an e-mail that you know that the person wants what you are going to be sending them.
- another way is through forums. Search out different forums that deal with the product that you are promoting and join them. When you post to the forum, talk about the product that you are promoting and post your link for interested parties to click on to get more info. These forums for the most part are free to join as well.
- Another effective way to promote your affiliate products is to write and post articles on article directories. When you write and article about the product you are promoting you can also include your link in the article, and get traffic to your link that way. There are also tons of free article directories out there, that get allot of traffic to them.
a few of them are:
That's just a few that i know of, and some that i use as well. So there you have it. I hope this helps you out, whether you are just starting out, or if you have been trying for awhile and have not been to successful.
Well the answer is fairly simple. Although simple in terms of reality for some of us (myself included) can be a daunting task. So i have decided to attempt to explain a little about how simple affiliate marketing is, as well as to explain a little bit about how it works as well.
Affiliate Programs & Profits.
The best part about affiliate marketing is:
1) You don't need your own website or blog
2) You don't need your own product.
3) You don't need ANY money to start.
Let me explain the 3 points above a little more in depth for you.
1) you don't need your own website or blog.
- to be an affiliate marketer you do not need a web page or a blog to be able to promote other peoples products. All you have to do is join a affiliate marketing site, and begin to promote their products via email, forums, discussion groups, article publishing sites. There are so many ways to promote affiliate products that don't cost you any money, nor do you have to own your own website or blog and have the hassle of looking after them.
2) you don't need your own product.
- the best part about affiliate marketing is that you don't have to create a product or write an e-book or anything like that, all good affiliate sites have loads of products that you can pick and choose from, and promote in so many ways.
- the way most affiliate sites work, is that you sign up to become an affiliate, then you choose the product(s) that you would like to promote, then the affiliate site will give you a special link for you to use in your chosen method of promoting. This link is what the affliate site uses to ensure that you get credit (paid) for anyone who clicks on the link that you placed in your promotion article, e-mail, forum, discussion group, And makes a purchase.
3) Don't need any money to start.
- with affiliate marketing you can start to market affiliate products without spending any money. There are so many FREE affiliate marketing sites out there that you can join for free and MOST of them are LEGIT.
My Favorite 3 are:
For Commission Junction, log into their site and click on " Be a publisher" and follow the sign up procedure.
For Link Share and ClickBank, log into their site and click on become an affiliate, and follow the sign-up procedure.
The best part about these sites is that they are 100% free to join, and they have tons of products and things to promote that can pay you as high as 75% commission.
Now you are wondering how does one go about promoting these products without spending any money. Well the answer to that is simple.
- you have to be careful with e-mails, because unless you are absolutely sure the person receiving the e-mail wants to know about the product you are promoting, then you are spamming, and all affiliate marketing sites will cancel your account with them if you spam. So make sure before you send an e-mail that you know that the person wants what you are going to be sending them.
- another way is through forums. Search out different forums that deal with the product that you are promoting and join them. When you post to the forum, talk about the product that you are promoting and post your link for interested parties to click on to get more info. These forums for the most part are free to join as well.
- Another effective way to promote your affiliate products is to write and post articles on article directories. When you write and article about the product you are promoting you can also include your link in the article, and get traffic to your link that way. There are also tons of free article directories out there, that get allot of traffic to them.
a few of them are:
That's just a few that i know of, and some that i use as well. So there you have it. I hope this helps you out, whether you are just starting out, or if you have been trying for awhile and have not been to successful.
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